Super Stay At Home Mommy!

Adventures in the life of a stay at home wife and mom

Giveaway Coming Soon!!

Everyone loves free stuff, right? Well SuperStayAtHomeMommy is planning a giveaway to start in the next few days. What are we giving away?? A beautiful, homemade, fleece throw. Not just any old fleece throw though, one that will be made specifically for you! These throws are perfect for a child’s bedroom, or to curl up with on the couch. So stay tuned, spread the word, and look for your chance to take part in the giveaway!


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Sewing Table For Small Spaces

I don’t know about you guys, but I don’t have a whole lot of extra room in my house for my sewing hobby. I would LOVE to have a whole room to dedicate to sewing and crafts, but that’s just not possible right now. So, I saw this great table on Pinterest (I’m hooked!!), and talked my dear husband into making it for me. Click on the link and take a look, it walks you through step-by-step exactly how to make your own! And talk about a space saver! The sides of the table fold down for easy storage, and when set up the table offers TONS of workspace. Not to mention, the shelves offer a perfect spot for sewing machine storage.

With the sides folded down. My husband used some spring hinges on the side, so it doesn't quite lay flat, but yours will if you use regular hinges.

And here it is all set up and ready to go! Look at all that great workspace! I'm so excited to get sewing!!

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Easter Fun!!

I have been trying to just post once or twice a week, but with Easter quickly approaching, I wanted to squeeze in one more post this week. I don’t know about you, but the I don’t like the idea of stuffing my kid full of Easter candy. Instead, I have created a list of fun ideas to fill Easter baskets with. I also compiled a list of crafts and activities that you can enjoy with your kiddos!

Easter Basket Goodies!

-Coloring Books



-Sidewalk Chalk (Learn how to make your own HERE)

– Finger Paint (Learn how to make your own HERE)

-New Swimsuit For The Coming Summer Season

-Easter Outfit



-Playdough (Learn how to make your own HERE)

-Flubber (Learn how to make it HERE)

-Stuffed Animals

-Bath Time Toys

-Outside toys

-Fill Plastic Eggs With Tastey Snacks (goldfish, Cheerios, etc)

-Sippy Cup, or Character Cup For an Older Kid

– Movies

– Hair Clips/Bows (This is where I get mine- F&F Creations– She does great work, and will do custom orders!)

– Stickers

-Plastic Eggs Filled with Little Toys

These Worksheets

-New Toothbrush


The possibilities are endless! Let’s try not to stuff our kids full of sweets this year!

And here are some great crafts and activities I’ve come across– Lots of Easter fun!!

Felt Easter Birdy

Paper-Napkin Decoupage Eggs

Easter Egg Coloring Tips

25 DIY Easter Projects

101 Easter Craft Ideas

Temporary Tattoos on Eggs

Easter Egg Hunt Activities

Bubble Wrap Easter Eggs

Plastic Egg Animals



Guest Post: Cost Per Trip

My lovely Mother-in-Law created a nifty budgeting tool that we wanted to share with you! She wrote up a great post about it, and I’m excited for you all to read about it and try it out! If you want your own copy of this great little spreadsheet she made (it makes everything so easy to figure out- you don’t have to do any math!) all I ask is that you follow my blog, and then post in the comments that you would like the link to the worksheet. I will send it to you via email!

Click to see a sample of the worksheet!

Gas prices are rising…AGAIN! They could reach $5-6/gallon within the year. OUCH! Those kind of prices can hurt even a well-thought out budget.

Gas is expensive, probably one of the most expensive items in a budget. Where do those gas dollars go?

It’s time to stop thinking about PPG (price per gallon) and start thinking about CPT (Cost Per TRIP).  If we concentrate on how much it costs to get from one place to another, it’s easier to make educated decisions about where (and if) we go.  If you determine it costs $8 to go to the utilities company to pay a bill, you might consider mailing in your payment, or even better, paying online, for an instant savings of $8.  If it costs $4 to go to the neighborhood grocery store, you might want to only go once a week (or less), resulting in more money in your pocket. Thinking about how much a trip costs always helps you make informed decisions about whether the PPT is worth that trip.

I wrote this Excel worksheet to make the process easy. Just input the correct information, and you will have a list of how much each trip you make costs according to the current price per gallon of gas. This worksheet is free, but please be courteous and don’t share with anyone. We would love to have them come visit us at and get their copy there.

-Cheryl Boynton

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My Favorite Online Tutorials!

Before I start, I’d like to quickly check and make sure that all of my followers are receiving emails when I make a new post. I have recently discovered that my blog has been having issues getting reminders out. So, if you could please let me know whether or not you are getting them, that would be great! I’m working on getting this problem solved 🙂

And now, as promised, my Top 10 Favorite Online Sewing Tutorials!! These are tutorials that I just keep going back too, and I feel like more people should enjoy. Take a look, and if you make something I’d love to see it!!

Invisible Zipper Tutorial via Sew Serendipity- If you are struggling with zippers (they can be tricky little suckers), take a look at this! This is how I do all my zippers now. It’s so easy, and they turn out beautiful every time!

Zippered Pouch Tutorial via Gussy Sews- These make great little cosmetics pouches, or holders for your kids crayons, snacks, etc. These can be difficult, but her tutorial makes it easy!

Baby booties, bibs, blankets, and more! via New Conceptions- Ok, cheating a bit here, this isn’t actually a tutorial. It’s a website with free patterns. Great ideas for a baby shower gift!

Spare Toilet Paper Holder via A Rosie Sweet Home- I made one of these in about 10 minutes the other day. It’s so handy to have in the bathroom.

Cafe Curtains via Woman’s Day- SO quick and simple! And what a nice touch to add to your kitchen!

Toddler Ruffle Top via Sewing in No Mans Land- Requires a bit more patience because of all the ruffles. But it is SO cute!!

Double-Sided Fabric Headband Tutorial via Happy Together- These are fun and quick! I’d love to modify her pattern to fit a toddler.

Super Simple Leggings via Make it and Love it- I have made several of these for Linnaea, and have a stack waiting to be sewn. Perfect pair to a cute dress!

The Circle Skirt via Made- She has TONS of great tutorials, but this one has got to be my all time favorite. I can throw together a skirt in just 10 minutes. I have made several for Linnaea and they are adorable.

Twirly Skirt via House on Hill Road- Another great skirt. Requires a little more work than the circle skirt, but equally cute!

There you have it, my favorite tutorials. I tried to include a little bit of everything, although I mostly sew clothes. Let me know what your favorites are- I always love trying out new tutorials.

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Work in progress…..

I’m working on Linnaea’s Easter dress and it is not going well… Sigh, I’ll get some pictures posted once I finish it up. Just wanted to check in and say that I have not forgotten this blog. I’ll be posting again soon with some links to my favorite online tutorials, so stay tuned!!

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Ultimate Burgers!

Your life will never be the same after a bite of these delicious burgers! You will never want a plain old burger ever again!

Jason, my awesome husband, is a big fan of watching food network, and then convincing me to cook whatever he thinks looks tastey. This recipe was a combination of burgers that were made by Guy Fieri and Michael Symon. Bacon is mixed into the hamburger meat, it’s topped with cheese and pastrami (or salami works too), and finished with a poached egg. DELICIOUS! And, I’m going to share with you exactly how to make on of your very own 🙂

1/2 lb hamburger meat per burger (I use 80/20 lean meat. I know it sounds like a lot, and it is, but you only need to eat one burger and you’ll be plenty full!)
2-3 slices of bacon per burger
Italian seasoning
bread crumbs
1 egg per burger, plus one to mix into your meat
cheese- 2 slices per burger (we use American, but you can use whatever you prefer)
Pastrami or Salami- 2 slices per burger
Hamburger buns
Start by frying up your bacon, you’ll want it nice and crispy. Crumble.
Place hamburger meat in bowl, mix in crumbled bacon, salt, pepper, Italian seasoning to taste (about 1/4-1/2 tsp per burger), one egg (Yep, I use the whole egg, not just the yolk), and a sprinkle of breadcrumbs. Be careful not to overdo it on the bread crumbs, you’ll dry out your burgers.
Form hamburger patties, and grill to desired done-ness. Before you take them off the grill, don’t forget to put your cheese and Pastrami on top!
Meanwhile, poach you eggs. If you don’t know how to poach eggs, here’s a link to help, Easy Poached Eggs. And don’t be overwhelmed, it’s not that hard!
Plop your burger on a bun, and top with poached egg. Cut burger in half and watch the yolk spill, mmmm….. you don’t even need ketchup for this burger, the egg tops it off perfectly! Enjoy!!

Nothing goes better with an awesome burger than a beer! We learned the hard way that 2 burgers was WAY too much. One burger per person is plenty 🙂 Grill some up, and let me know what you think!


Easy Diaper Covers!

It took me a while, but I have finally done my diaper cover tutorial! I bought a pattern for diaper covers, but they didn’t turn out right. I think the pattern was for cloth diapers or something, because they turned out HUGE! Since then, I have been working on modifying that pattern to create one that will work over disposable diapers. I finally got the pattern all drawn up, and my wonderful husband spent some time making it look beautiful. So, now I have a pattern I can share with all of you! Exciting isn’t it 🙂

Now, I’m not very computer savvy, but here’s the easiest way I could think to do this. All you have to do is click on the patterns below, save them to your computer (right click, and then click save image as), and then print them! That simple!(If anyone has any issues getting them to print, leave me a comment and I’ll email them to you!)

Alright, now that you have your patterns printed, let’s make some diaper covers!


1/4yard- 1/2 yard fabric, 1/2″ elastic, 1/4″ elastic, scissors, sewing machine

Note: To get elastic measurements, measure around waist and add 1 inch. For leg holes, measure around top of leg and add one inch.

Cut the pattern down to the size you want to make

Fold your fabric in half, and place pattern on fabric- along the fold- as directed on pattern. You can pin pattern in place or trace around it.

Cut along lines. Unfold, and here's what we get!

With right sides of the fabric facing each other, pin the sides and crotch

Sew along sides and crotch. Be sure to either serge (if you're lucky enough to have a serger!!), or us a zigzag stitch on the edge to avoid fraying!

Now, press up edge of the leg holes 1/4"

Then fold and press another 1/2"

Fold and press the top edge 1/4"

Then fold and press again, about 3/4"

Sew the top and leg holes- leaving an opening to thread elastic into

The leg holes can be a bit tricky because of their shape. Be patient, and don't worry too much about flaws, they won't really show

Using 1/2" elastic for the top and 1/4" elastic for the leg holes, guide elastic through the opening- using a safety pin to help you.

Once you have pulled it through the entire casing, overlap elastic 1" and sew using a zigzag stitch. Sew the openings for elastic shut. Do the same for leg holes

The finished product!

I threw together a few more pairs 🙂 I ran out of elastic for my leg holes, and instead used bias tape on a couple pairs. That works well too, if you'd rather!